31st March 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard camera

Work today and I had to physically go into work rather than working remotely which was mostly a pain in the arse especially as it was quiet as anything! I did manage to write up all the notes from the week away though so I suppose that was a good thing! When I got home, Pierre had been Mr Handyman around the house and had done a bunch of odd jobs around the house (50 points to Pierre). We went to Yaki Soba for dinner which is always good food and we had a stroll down Beech Road and saw a new place called Epicere Ludo and bought some Primitivo to try.

1st April 2010

HTC Wildfire – Vignette – Diana

Righto, so this picture is rubbish, I admit that but I got massively distracted at work and didn’t manage to remember Project 365 until 00:30 on the 2nd. This one I took before I went to work so it’s a genuine “I took this picture on the 1st” picture. If you’re interested it’s the view from my sofa in the living room, I was trying to see if the lens would capture the blossoms on the tree behind the hedge. It looks like haf popped popcorn with some buds that have exploded into blossom and others are still kernals! Today was epic busy day at work, I didn’t finish until 3am. So very tired today!