7th February 2012

FujiFilm FinePix S1730

So I need to start this by saying my boss is super amazing boss of the year for getting me some Julius Meinl Coffee, he goes to Vienna quite a bit and I’d asked him to look out for some of this coffee (which lasted Pierre & I about a weekend when we got back from Vienna last year!), he went and they didn’t have any in the place where he stays. He had gone again and when I walked in this morning I got given this which is just awesome! I do want to go back to Vienna, I think I’d like the next trip to be in the Summer so we can sit outside and people watch and eat ice cream and drink good coffee!

7th February 2011

HTC Wildfire – Vignette – Diana

Another currently reading picture. I love China Mieville, I’ve not read everything by him (although his back catalogue is on my wishlist) but I like how fantastical his stories are. I read 7 books in total in January (I’m keeping track and saving them along with my thoughts in a book diary and I’ve also got a new calendar in gcalendar to do the same!). Here’s what I read in Jan if you are interested: 
1. The Neutronium Alchemist – Peter F Hamilton 
2. We3 – Grant Morrison 
3. Why Don’t Penguins’ Feet Freeze – New Scientist
4. Broken Angels by Richard K Morgan
5. The Strain – Guillermo Del Toro/Chuck Hogan
6. Song of Kali – Dan Simmons
7. King Rat – China Miéville