7th March 2012

FujiFilm FinePix S1730

Leylandii be gone! It’s gone, finally taken out so no more bugs/spiders, having to cut it back every 2 months from Spring onwards! We had J & M McHugh in to take out the leylandii and put in a fence for us. It was raining and dark when they’d finished so today you get the “before” picture, tomorrow when they’ve been back to tidy up, I’ll do the “after” picture! Other than making lots of cups of tea I didn’t really do a great deal today but then I had fluey/cold aches pains, all the tireds in the world today so I just browsed reddit and pinned lots of things on pinterest!

8th March 2011

HTC Wildfire – Vignette – Diana

Another glorious day in Vienna! This guy is just before the crossing that leads you into the Museumsquartier. I just thought he looked a little overdramatic and therefore funny so I snapped a picture of him and managed to get some of the museumsquartier in the background. The MQ is a bunch of museums (including a lomography shop!) that are a mixture of fine art/contemporary etc galleries. We spent time in the Leopold Museum, which had Klimt, Schiele, Pakosta and an exhibition of art nouveau jewellery that I fell in love with!