31st August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

How rubbish is this picture? I might end up swapping it for something else later but I ate this in about 2 milliseconds earlier so thought I’d record it for evidence! I was up early considering it was my day off and went and had my eyebrows done as they were in dire need of it. When I got back, I literally cleaned the house from top to bottom, it was when I’d finished doing that I decided I deserved the Double Decker and I’m now lying on the sofa because I’m tired from all the moving around I’ve done this morning!

Not much else planned for the afternoon, waiting for Pierre to come home, then he’s having the guys over for poker so I’m going to disappear to my folks as they’ve promised me food!

30th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

Today was my last day in work for two and a bit weeks, hurrah! It could not have come soon enough and it was quite an easy day too which was good! When I got home I started doing some house things before Pierre got home, but he was back within about 5 minutes of me being home! We decided to eat out then go to Asda to get supplies for his poker night. I ate too much and felt terrible for ages after, I need to get used to the fact my stomach has less space and not eat as much but I was starving and didn’t realise until too late!

On the way back home I took this picture as I liked how the sun looked in the distance!

29th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

And so it rained, and rained and rained and thundered and lightning and then rain and more rain. Then it suddenly stopped and the sun came out as if nothing happened! The drive home from work was a bit hairy as it was really pouring down and visibility was really bad, when I got on the drive (and yes they are weeds at the sides not plants, the soil is so fertile now there is no leylandii to suck it dry!) the rain had calmed down but there was a mini lake at the end of the drive and I snapped a van splooshing through it as my picture today!

Today was well, work, blah. I had a midwife appointment at lunch time though so that was fun. They did the usual blood pressure etc I had written down a bunch of questions (as otherwise my sieve of a brain forgets what I want to ask) and I ploughed through those. She said I was measuring where I should be which is always good news and she got the doppler out again to listen to the heartbeat which is always so awesome to hear, apparently we have ourselves a very strong heartbeat which just made me feel unbelievably happy! P is away with work today/tomorrow so he couldn’t make this appointment with me but hopefully he’ll be able to be at my next one and I’ll get them to do the doppler again!

28th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

I love planning to go away as I love guidebooks and phrase books, I learnt basic Spanish in secondary school so it’ll be interesting to see how much I can remember! I’m making sure at least one of the guidebooks has the translation for I am pregnant, just in case, god forbid I need to go to the Dr’s or pharmacy. Not that you can mistake the fact that I’m with child right now, it’s definitely gone past the “is she fat or pregnant?” phase! 
Work was blah today, I was at HQ for the last time (fingers crossed) this week and it kind of broke the day up in that I went back to my office at 12, meant the afternoon seemed shorter anyway! When I got home I was in the mood to be useful so I cleaned the bathroom (sick of cat hair everywhere in the bathroom!), did a bunch of washing and then ironing too! We ordered pizza in as neither of us could be fussed cooking!!

27th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

Woohoo! I’m off today! I sent an email out a few weeks ago to see if anyone wanted my bank holiday and someone said yes (not knowing how bad work was going to be I think!) so I had a glorious day off today! I woke up super early though as I was too hot, uncomfortable and a bit stomach achey, I did go back to sleep but then when I woke up, woke up I felt rotten for it, so I think I should have just gotten up at 5 when I was awake! We had a lazy relaxed morning, then went into Manchester to look around. I almost bought some canvas Ash trainers but decided I didn’t need them (how sensible!) and just bought some cheapy bits from Primark instead! We had lunch at Taco Bell, super impressed with it, it’s a bit like Bar Burrito but cheaper and more junky, I had some beef nacho’s and couldn’t eat them all and they’ve kept me full all afternoon!

After we ate, I was flagging so we went home via Booths in Media City and got some bits and bobs for dinner tonight from there. I went over to my folks house after as I’d not seen my Mum for ages so wanted to catch up, as usual I didn’t realise the time and was there way longer than I thought!

Today’s picture was taken when we were driving towards the Salford Uni bit of Salford, to get to Media City!

26th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

So I had a wonderful night’s sleep last night! Pre 7pm to 550am straight through, I could have slept in longer but unfortunately I had to go to work! I’m still at HQ at the moment and I snapped this picture from the car park when I drove in! Work was, well, work. I’m happy I’m off tomorrow, I really need it plus it’s kind of crap that Pierre and I haven’t spent any “us” time this weekend. The little person has discovered that my bladder is now a trampoline so I’ve been feeling a lot more movement this week which is awesome, if not a little irritating being where it is!

25th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

I had a really crappy nights sleep last night so when I woke up this morning I was fully in “do not want” mode. I was in work at 7am, then I realised I’d forgotten my breakfast so I wasn’t a happy bunny. The day flew by as it was busy from start to finish and when I got home, Pierre was just as hungry as me so he made dinner really early and when we were done we decided we needed ice cream so went to McDonald’s in Asda to get a McFlurry (I needed something for lunch tomorrow too so I got a tuna salad in Asda). We were in and out of Asda as it was chav heaven and I had “no patience”, when we got in the two of us were so tired, we managed to doze through an episode of The Simpsons then were both in bed asleep pre 7pm. How rock and roll is that! I took today’s picture as I’d woken myself up before I really passed out as I remembered I hadn’t taken a picture! It’s of our new duvet cover!

24th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

Today was a repeat of last Friday! I was off so I slept in, managed to do some of the chores on my list, I dyed my hair (turned out way too dark!) then flopped on the sofa for most of the day. I figured tomorrow is going to be pants so why not be lazy today!

This picture of the viola’s is really crappy as I clocked a spider in a massive web about 5′ away from where I took the picture so I literally just snapped this and then went back inside!

23rd August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

We both got a copy of the new Cath Kidston catalogue and the postie also popped an ikea catalogue through today! It was an early start today, I was at HQ again this morning and it was busy busy busy busy, then when I got back to the office it was more of the same. I’m thoroughly dreading this weekend as I know it’ll be a repeat of today but 8 hours of hell rather than 5. Meh.

22nd August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

Today was blah. I can’t believe the end of the week is almost here (well I’m off on Friday which is wahoo but then I’m working (again) on the weekend). Nothing much happened today, I took a picture of George sat outside!