24th August 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

Today was a repeat of last Friday! I was off so I slept in, managed to do some of the chores on my list, I dyed my hair (turned out way too dark!) then flopped on the sofa for most of the day. I figured tomorrow is going to be pants so why not be lazy today!

This picture of the viola’s is really crappy as I clocked a spider in a massive web about 5′ away from where I took the picture so I literally just snapped this and then went back inside!

25th August 2011

HTC Wildfire – Vignette – Diana

I ate these today, they were reduced in the shop as they were near the end date and when I opened it, this is what I saw and it reminded me of Terence and Philip from South Park! Today is the last day in the epic 25 day run of being at work and it’s not come quick enough!