30th December 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

We had a lazy morning today as Pierre was super ill with a cold/cough/sore throat/ill virus thinger, he hadn’t slept all night so was super tired and on top of that had to work a little bit too. After we had some lunch I popped over to my Mum’s for a catch up, I’m glad I did as she reminded me it was Diane’s birthday on the 3rd so I need to get her a card and pressie. 

When I got back I had an hour or so spare before I went over to our friends house, her other half has come over from the US and is here until Feb but I wanted to make sure I saw them before the baby arrives! 
I snapped this picture of George as I think she missed me, as soon as I came back she plonked herself next to me on the sofa 🙂

31st December 2011

HTC Sensation XE – Vignette – Diana

How on earth is it the last day of Project 365 already?! I can’t believe I’ve managed to keep to a photo a day blog (with a few missing pictures!) and a semi diary I guess as I’ve put text with each picture too. The last picture of 2011 is of the feast of goodies we bought from waitrose the other evening. We had olives, antipasto, parfait, crackers, cheeses, chutneys, smoked fish pate, breaded prawns and dessert which the two of us just can’t fit in! Today has mostly been the two of us feeling crumby as we’ve both caught the ills so I’ve had to cancel my friend and her girlfriend coming over tomorrow which I’m gutted about as she’s come over from the US so it’s a rare chance to meet her other half 😦

I am really looking forward to 2012, there is so much planned for next year it makes my head hurt thinking about it but I really can’t wait to just start it all off! Happy New Year to anyone who is reading and I’ll be back tomorrow with Day 1, 2012!!