10th January 2013

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera

Well the baby blues hit me hard today! My milk came in yesterday which was ace as it meant the little man was feeding like a trooper but towards the end of the night I got really engorged and it was quite painful having him feed. I was feeding him first thing and he couldn’t latch on at all so I thought I’d make him a bottle but didn’t do it right as I’d forgotten to add the seal thinger and I ended up getting it all over him and I just cried and cried and cried. Mostly I spent all day crying because I was so sore, hormones were all over the place which I was expecting and logically I knew why I was super emotional but still, it hit me hard! 
Pierre was an absolute godsend the whole day, he took care of the little chap and sent me off to bed, took care of me and the little dude all day despite having gotten up early and having had a crap nights sleep himself. Seriously could not be more in love and appreciative of him right now, he really is super awesome. 
I hadn’t realised that being engorged was a “thing” and how freaking painful it was, having read about it, the best cure is to let the baby nurse but I just couldn’t let him anywhere near me. I was seriously thinking at one point that I couldn’t take it and we’d have to bottle feed from now on which in turn made me feel like the crappest and most selfish mother ever. I took a bath a one point to see if that would help (it didn’t but I did feel like a human being again after) and I tried to express but had no joy with that either. 
One of the things I’d read was to use cabbage leaves in your bra (bizarre right?!) and that was meant to help with let down. So as we were going to Sainsbury’s anyway, I added cabbage into the trolley and sat most of the night with them in my bra, bet I smelled lovely. My Mum popped over on her way home from work as she had the cardigan’s my Nana had made the little chap and also my Great Aunt Claire had bought him a really cute coat. She’s babysitting Lily on Saturday, I think she’s excited to have her around! 
We decided to have an early night, Pierre said he’d take the first feed shift and I’d do the second (as he tends to wake up at about 1 and 4. Whilst in bed, I thought I’d have another go at getting rid of the engorgement as reading up on what happens if you don’t kind of scared me! I think the fact I was well fed, rested and content helped me relax and I managed to express about 2 and a half oz. Super freaky to do but hey ho, it seemed to work as I got a bit of relief before sleep. 
Picture of the day is of the graphic novel I’m reading, I normally rip through these in an hour or so but it’s taking me days at the moment to do anything 🙂 

10th January 2012

HTC Sensation XE – Standard Camera 

Pink! Nearly halfway through the rainbow and man this one was hard as we hardly own anything pink and I don’t generally see pink things to/in/from work! The things we have that are pink in our house are a garlic keeper, a stripy pink cake tin, the fabric on one of the chairs I re-did and this andalucian rug. The rug isn’t even mine, it’s Pierre’s but we hung it in the office as we were at a loss as to where to put it and given that the office is our colour bright space it works really well in there.

I had a crumby nights sleep last night, I stayed awake until about 1am then woke up a little later and then just had really broken sleep. I’m really catching the Sunday night blues (I know it was Monday!) at the minute when it comes to having to wake up to go to work. I never normally am fussed! So today I was super tired and when I got home from work, I took this picture then went to read in bed for a bit before Pierre came home and fell asleep!